The Lovers
The Lovers
An invitation to move on to the next stage

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
A couple stands naked in front of two trees. Behind the man is the Tree of Life, behind the woman is the Tree of Knowledge. The trees are a reminder of the Garden of Eden. The man looks at the woman in search of fulfilment, the woman looks for fulfilment within. Blending (through sex) reason (male) and passion (female) will bring the couple closer to their true selves (symbolised by the angel). While the man is happy to dedicate himself to practical pursuits in the material world, the woman is here to remind him that there is a higher meaning to existence. This card is an invitation to move on to the next stage.
General Meaning
The Lovers is a card signifying duality and choice. Alternatives are being presented to you. None of the options is perfect, some compromise is necessary. Uniting the two extremes in some way holds the key to the solution. Alternatively, the card can also indicate an important relationship in your life, one which provides you with emotional and practical support. It can suggest falling in love or the early stages of a romantic connection.
In Reverse
The Lovers reversed can indicate the beginning of romantic problems or the end of a relationship altogether. It can also suggest that the partnership will not move on to the next stage i.e. a romantic connection will not turn into a marriage proposal or a lover will not leave his or her legal spouse. One of the parties is avoiding deeper commitment. Alternatively, it can suggest the appearance of new destructive relationship or that an existing relationship will enter a destructive phase.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, the Lovers can indicate the start of a new relationship or the beginning of a new phase in an existing one. It can suggest that time has come for an important decision in the life of the couple, namely whether to move on to the next stage or not.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, this card represents an important career crossroad. Usually one related to whether to continue on the path walked so far or take a completely new one. There is a need to analyse both alternatives. Sometimes, The Lovers can indicate a choice between career and family or career and work-life balance.
In reverse, it suggests problematic relationship with coworkers or inappropriate business partnership. Overall, it indicates a misalignment between you and your environment.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, The Lovers indicate choosing and prioritising about financial matters. The querent may be faced with a choice regarding spending and investment which requires them to analyse both alternatives and prioritize what is most important.
In reverse, it means a choice that has not been beneficial or a business partner who does not have your best interest at heart. There is a misalignment between your financial goals and your present financial situation, particularly with regard to recent choices and partnerships.