The Sun Card
The Sun Card
Be yourself without fear for the universe will be there to support you

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
In the Sun card a child is riding a horse. Its arms and legs are spread out as it tries to balance itself on the animal signifying the joy and lightheartedness of childplay. It is unafraid to be naked because it is free of fears and limitations. The red feather in its hair is an echo of the red feather of the Fool and a reference to the start of the journey. The stone wall and the sunflowers form a garden, a reference to the inner garden of the soul.
This card represents the inner drive to be ourselves without fear of opposition, shaming or rejection.
General Meaning
In a general reading, the Sun card indicates a time of clarity, optimism, faith in life and its opportunities. The darkness of the Moon (subconscious) has been dispelled by the Sun (the mind). It represents a period in one's life when there is a sense of playfulness and childlike curiosity about life. The querent feels good in his/her skin. They have known and overcome their shadow side and are content with focusing on the bright day ahead. The card refers also to a period of energetic and active state when the person proactively engages with the world at large.
The Sun is one of the most positive card in Tarot, a reference to those moment when we feel one with the universe, when we most feel like the universe is our friend. At an inner level, this is the sensation of openness and freedom. At this point in time, you are happy and content with your life and yourself.
In Reverse
When reversed, the Sun card indicates that you are in a good place in your life but you do not fully understand it. You still have some doubts as to whether the present situation is truly positive for you. Just like with the upright Sun, you know that you can freely and openly express your true self and you will not be sanctioned, (the universe will be there to support you) but on some inner level you harbor a doubt or two. Alternatively, this card can suggest that your life or your achievements look good on the outside but deep down you are disappointed.
With the reversed Sun we need to work to realize the blessings that we have been given.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, the Sun card indicates a partnership that is playful and joyous. Both partners feel like free and world-loving children. Children have a way of wearing their hearts on their sleeves, blissfully unaware of the dangers and the evil in the world of the grown-ups. They approach the world with deeply embedded belief that the world will as kind to them as they are to it. When the Sun card comes up in a relationship reading, this open, positive, heartful approach to the day-to-day mechanics of the bond is suggested. They are not fearful of showing their love for one another and maintain a light-hearted interaction despite being aware of the deeper side of life. Sometimes, this card can indicate a period of simple uneventful happiness in a love relationship.
In reverse, this card is still positive but it suggests that you are not convinced in the beauty of the present situation. Some negativity or disappointment is lurking under the surface.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the Sun indicates achieving the grand success. You work in a field that is aligned with who you truly are and where you want to be and go in life. You are surrounded by like-minded individuals and that gives you the freedom to be yourself without inhibitions. You feel as content as you could possibly be with your career (and life!) achievements.
Even in reverse this card is still positive but it suggests that behind the scenes of this success you feel uncertain about it. Perhaps you wonder if it won't be snatched away from you soon or you are afraid that nothing lasts forever.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the Sun indicates the successful closure of an investment. The financial goals that you set for yourself have bore their fruits and you are happy with what you have earned. Something about this financial success makes you feel that you fully deserve it (as opposed to it being just pure luck).
In reverse, the card indicates success but one that for some reason leaves a bitter-sweet taste.