The World
The World
Harmony between you and the universe

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
In the World card a woman is moving within the number 0, signifying the completion of the journey that the Fool started in the 0 card. The number is covered in flowers and looks like a wreath, a symbol of success. The woman is moving - an indication of the realisation that the universe is energy and that energy is in constant flow. She hold the wands loosely because she understands that it is the essence of wisdom that matters not the adherence to the rules. There are four animals in the four corners of the card, a reference to the four elements. The fact that they are in full colour indicates that their essence has been realized and all four of them have been brought into harmony. The animals emerge from clouds, an echo of the four Ace cards of the Minor Arcana. This reference to the Minor Arcana indicates that the lesson there have been studied, comprehended and actualized in the World card.
The World is a card for lasting success that comes from a dynamic equilibrium between the person and the universe.
General Meaning
In a general reading, this card indicates great success and happiness. You are where you want to be and where life wants you to be - hence the harmony between you and the universe. You have realised why you are where you are and than on some level you have always been walking towards this moment/place. The sum total of your actions is here and it is all you ever wanted. In some strange way you ended up where you truly belong. At the core of this happiness is not something you have achieved or something you have but the being you have managed to become.
In Reverse
In reverse, the card indicates success which is beginning to turn downwards. You have reached the top but you have stopped moving, become stagnant and as a result the success has become shaky. As mentioned above, one of the messages of this card is that the universe is energy and it is in constant ebb and flow. Success in life is about learning to dance to this tune. If you become stagnant or lose the rhythm, that is when the World card comes up in reverse.
On a related note, sometimes the card can indicate that the current success is not the final success. There is more that needs to be done, another mountain to climb. A few other things to take care of before the happiness is ultimate.
It is important not to get lost in the moment and to continue to harmonize your existence with the universe.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, the World card indicates a compatibility and harmony of the highest order. The prospects for a long-lasting connection do not get better than the World card. Within the contours of this relationship, both partners can thrive, grow and love each other without inhibitions or hidden issues lurking under the surface.
In reverse, the World suggests that you are still happy and content but you feel a sense of emptiness from knowing you have reached the end of your search for a partner. You are almost certain that you have found The One and while you are happy, you are also a bit sad.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the World indicates the completion of a larger cycle. You have achieved everything you possibly could at your current job or in your current field. You have climbed to the top and been awarded the highest possible honours. There is a sense of an entirely new chapter coming up next.
In reverse, the World represents a closure that is being delayed or somehow slow. You have reached the top but you bits and pieces are not letting you turn the page in style once and for all.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the World card indicates the completion of large cycle in your personal financial history. Perhaps you are a millionaire who just moved into the billionairs' club or simply someone who finally managd to monetize their side hustle. Either way, a whole new chapter is coming to a close and a whole new one is waiting to be started.
In reverse, the World card indicates that some small side matters are taking the shine off of the grand finali.