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Monthly Forecasts
It's that foggy, dreamy Neptunian season again but the headliner this month is the upcoming Mercury rebirth on Saturn + Mercury and Venus set the stage for the upcoming eclipse season.
Ladies and gentlemen, the dawn of a brand new era is upon us! Pluto has just arrived in Aquarius sharpening its pen to start writing the next 20-year long chapter of our lives. Uranus also wants a piece of the action. Let's dive in!
Jupiter resumes its direct motion and begins to pick up - a process which will eventually culminate with a conjunction with Uranus in April. Plus, The Sun and Pluto share a parting kiss at the very last minute of Capricorn putting an end to a 15-year long chapter.
This season, the Sun is a mini-Pluto ball which travels through Scorpio hand-in-hand with Scorpio's ancient ruler, Mars. The two oppose Uranus, jolting us into a future of collapse and/or breakthrough. A month to remember.
It's in the 1st week of October that we finally get out of the same energy within which we have been stuck all Summer (with all the retrogrades) and our lives begin to pick up pace. One by one all planets start turning direct with Pluto going first.
This Virgo Season we have a very interesting Full Moon during which Jupiter, the ruler, will be stationary in a quare to stationary Venus and in a conjunction to a stationary Uranus. Every major storyline in our lives locks in this one moment.
The Sun joins Venus Rx to place a heavy focus on the Leo house in your chart. Together, they activate the Jupiter-Uranus dynamic in the sign of Taurus. The potential is there for both a break down and a break through.
The major storyline unfolding this Cancer Season is the last Sun-Pluto opposition that we will have across the signs of Cancer and Capricorn. Plus, this lunar cycle plays into Pluto's final exit from Capricorn. It is..indeed...the end of an era :)
First activation of the Saturn-Neptune dynamic in Pisces. Three powerful activations of Pluto at 0 of Aquarius. And more. General forecast + all 12 signs.
What is Taurus Season 2023 all about? See my comments on the overall energies of the season + what is the main storyline for each of the 12 zodiac signs. Eclipses, Pluto stationing, Jupiter entering Taurus and more.
Here we are. At the point where Pluto at 29 of Cap / 0 of Aqua begins to sqaure the Nodes of the Moon. We will be here, at the junction of this grand cardinal/fixed cross for pretty much all of 2023.
What has been so far is dissolved in preparation for a new beginning. With Saturn's entry into Pisces this spells the end of Neptune's free reign in this sign - this is one closure. The second closure is the final Neptune-Mars square.
New Moons are new beginnings, they open a 14-day, 6-month or 18-month cycle. And in this case, the new beginning happens at a degree of the zodiac which Pluto (death, rebirth, transformation) will engage with as soon as March 23 this year.
So in a sense, this Jan 18th is sort of a good moment to look back and for a closure of the Plutonian transformation that has been a backdrop of your life in the past 14 years.
This Sag Season is the moment the narrative shifts quite notably. The powerful eclipses in Taurus and Scorpio have triggered events that will most visibly begin to unfold in the month after the eclipses so in Sag Season.
Scorpio is a sign of extremes and its season is one of intensity. But this time around the word "intensity" doesn't even begin to explain the tension that we are about to get caught in.
In this post, we are going to examine the key energies under which Libra Season 2022 will pass. The first one is Saturn's square to Uranus. At the start of Libra season, the two planets are within a degree of an exact square.
Virgo Season 2022 is upons us and here are the major transits that will play out in the sky in the following 4 weeks. The Sun's ingress into Virgo happens as it is receiving a square from Mars in Gemini.
The major storyline unfolding in the month of August is the reactivation of the Saturn-Uranus square.