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Two Ways Pluto in Capricorn Played Out that Nobody Wants to Talk About

January 13, 2025

Two articles came to my attention in the last 2 months of Pluto in Cap that I thought were very Pluto in Cap - interesting. But. Disturbing. Continue to read at your own discretion!

And they both concern such a Cap theme - family. Cancer is the mother, Cap is the archetypal father. Cancer is the home, Cap is the house. In bad cases, Cancer is about the natural family, Cap is about somewhat artificially constructed families where there is the shell (house; walls, hard structures; prisons - Saturn is exalted in the 12th house) but not really the substance (home).

The First Story

The first story concerns an investigation into illegal adoption practices that started back in the 70s in South Korea from where newborn babies and young children were taken away from their parents and adopted in the US. The scheme was reported in detail and over the course of several weeks by the Associated Press.

I invite you to read the stories yourselves but the bones of the affair are as follows: Back in the days when Korea was very poor there was a boom in the US in the search for Asian babies. And when there is a demand, there is a supply. Enter the (pseudo, I guess) Christian NGOs which supplied the Asian babies from Korea. Many of the babies came from poor parents who simply couldnt afford to support their children but a significant part of the adoptees came from parents who fell victims to a scam. How?

1. Many of the newborns were stolen from their mothers - the mothers were told that their babies were stillborn or that they died (at the time, many people were close to malnourished so it wasn't uncommon for mothers and babies to be tiny) when in reality, nurses and hospital bosses were part of the human trafficking scheme.

2. Children were kidnapped from the street.

3. Parents were misled about the nature of orphanages. Since this concept was completely unknown at the time and in a Confucian culture where breaking the tie between family members is unheard of, there wasn't sufficient clarity on what it means to leave your child at an orphanage. Most parents thought these were establishments where they can leave their kids for a few weeks or months while they get back on their feet and then they can get them back without any issues. Only to come back later and find out that their children had been sold off to the USA.

The whole thing worked with support from religious iNGOs and the US embassy in South Korea.

I advise you to read the story for further details but from astrological point of view - that's just what you can expect when you have Pluto (secrets, powerful figures & cartels) in-between Cap (family) and Aqua (NGOs)...

The Second Story

The second story concerns a gay couple which was sytemically violating (Pluto) their two adopted sons (technically they were an example of a "modern, innovative" family) and filmed everything... I am not going to go into the details (if you want to read more about it Google "gay couple" + "Georgia" +"100 years virdict") but Pluto is about sex and secrets and Cap is about the outer shell of a family...

My Remarks

These two stories show the most extreme cases of a negative Pluto in the realm family. I cant ignore the fact that the iNGO adoption scam started to reveal itself around the Pluto/Saturn conjunction in Cap (December of 2019) so that aspect played out positively in the lives of these people because now they know the truth. Children know that their biological parents did not disown them, they were scammed. Parents are happy to be able to meet their grown-up children. It is a truly heart-breaking story ... I have no words ... Some people have no fear from God and they would cross any boundary for money, for the supply and demand of the market ... the embodiment of Satanism...

The second story is an example of a bad manifestation of the Pluto/Saturn conjunction because it seems (details are scarce btw but the guys were caught in 2022) that this couple was able to adopt their kids and start the abuse around the conjunction (Dec 2019). That's when home turned into horror for the two victims... Saturn + Pluto = parents and sexual abuse; prison and power play; prison and sexuality; restrictions around sexuality.

Is there any value to reading this article other than this text simply making your stomach turn (if that's any value at all)?

There is.

The generation born around the period 1992 - 1994 was born with Pluto in Scorpio squaring Saturn in Aquarius. Both Pluto and Saturn are in their domicile so powerful and exalted. This generation is now past its first Saturn return and into adulthood and they have Pluto entering Aqua and heading for a conjunction with natal Saturn and a square to natal Pluto. Do not look at these stories as something that is far from you because people with similar experiences may be closer than you think.