Saturn at 13 of Pisces & the New Moon in Capricorn
Saturn at 13 of Pisces & the New Moon in Capricorn

In December of 2024, Saturn, the planet of physical forms, transits the 13th degree of the sign of Pisces. The next time it returns to this point, it will meet there Pluto. Yes, 30 years from now, Saturn will return to this point in the sky and this is where we will have the next Saturn-Pluto conjunction (see chart here).
This means that this December is a great chance to go quiet, listen, savor the moment and learn the lessons (especially as Saturn is moving veery slowly because it stationed direct in November at 12 of Pisces). If you have any planets or points at 13 of any of the mutable signs (Pisces, Virgo, Gemini, Sag) or if you have anything in a 5-degree orb of 13 degrees of the mutable signs, this part of your chart will be triggered by the next Saturn-Pluto conjunction. Of note, Saturn already crossed this degree once in March/April of 2024.
Saturn-Pluto conjunctions are notable for their intense restriction and powerplay flavour. We had the last one in Capricorn in December of 2019 when COVID broke out and the entire world went on lockdown. Interestingly (in a scary way), it is actually the next conjunction (the one in Pisces) that happens in a sign associated with pandemics, diseases, poverty, isolation, medical substances, and binge-watching...
That said, let's take a look at the New Moon in Cap on 30 December 2024. It is a new beginning in the Cap house of your chart with the ruler, Saturn, at 14 of Pisces. If you have planets or points around 13 of Pisces, keep an eye on this New Moon to catch hints of how that point in your chart plays out and prepare for 2054. I know 2054 sounds faaaar but this is our last chance to experience the meaning of this part of our charts before we get hit right there by the next Saturn-Pluto conjunction :)
[image: Saturn & Pluto's dance]