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Destiny is written in the language of light and frequency
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, often associated with bravery, courage, aggression, violence, physical activity and forging new ways.
Taurus a slow, steady, reliable, stubborn, warm and friendly energy. Ruled by Venus, this sign likes luxury, fine art, beauty and money.
Gemini is the sign of information, communication and the mind. It loves mental stimulation, intellectual challenges and verbal flexibility.
Cancer is a sign associated with the Moon, emotions and nurturing. People born under this sign are very sensitive to the emotions of others and their emotional needs.
Leo is the sign ruled by the very center of our system - the Sun. It is associated with fearless self-expression, leadership, courage to put yourself unapologetically at the center of your life.
Virgo is the sign associated with helping others in practical ways. Virgos have mastered attention to detail and perfection to the maximum and use their specific skills to aid others in their endeavors.
Libra is the sign of balance, harmony and cooperation. Libra people have an innate talent to detect any disharmony in any social setting and to instantly know what to do to restore balance.
Scorpio is the sign of intensity, deep emotions, psychoanalysis and rebirth. The veil between the conscious and the subconsious is thin with Scorpios and as a result they can read people with unmatched accuracy.
Sagittarius is the sign of the traveling philosopher. Open, curious, adventurous and exploratory - this sign likes to study different cultures, people, religions, philosophies.
Capricorn is a sign associated with maturity. Even when they are children, there is something very "elderly" about them. They approach life with a serious attitude, firmly believing that hard work and discipline is how life should be lived.
Aquarius is the sign associated with unorthodox and futuristic beliefs and behaviors. In reality, they have dedicated themselves to discovering their true identity, the one beyond social and cultural programming.
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and as such it contains a bit of all the other. It embraces the entire zodiac and all of humanity. Endless empathy and limitless capacity for compassion is how Pisces makes the world a better place.