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Two articles came to my attention in the last 2 months of Pluto in Cap that I thought were very Pluto in Cap - interesting. But. Disturbing. Continue to read at your own discretion!
In December of 2024, Saturn, the planet of physical forms, transits the 13th degree of the sign of Pisces. The next time it returns to this point, it will meet there Pluto. Yes, 30 years from now, Saturn will return to this point in the sky and this is where we will have the next Saturn-Pluto conjunction (see chart here).
Mars is conjoining Pluto and starting a new synodic cycle which, when it reaches its Full Moon moment, will trigger a Mars retrograde in the opporiste house of your chart. See the details for all 12 signs.
Saturn embodies the ancient Greek philosophy of Stoicism. Neptune embodies softness, dissolution, ego-death (opium of the masses). This is the civilisational drama of Saturn vs Neptune. This is the civilisational drama of Saturn vs Neptune. The final act is in 2025. On the world axis.
The Secret Geometry of Destiny