the male domicile of Saturn
also, Uranus

Aquarius is the most eccentric sign of the zodiac, the sign associated with invention, innovation and individualism. What gets it going is everything unusual, strange, unexplored. People born under this sign are always looking for new ways to do things or new things to be done altogether. They want to be seen as unique, un-orthodox in their opinions and avant-garde. Their core mission? To go beyond social and cultural conditioning, to re-imagine the basic structures of our societies.
This is a growth-oriented sign that is always looking towards the future. Often called "The Futurists of the Zodiac", Aquarius people are not interested in the Yesterday. In stead they prefer to focus on the possibilities of the future and explore these mental concepts in their minds.
Everyone Aquarian is unconventional in some way. It could be something as simple as pink hair and unisex clothes, or it could be a profession in the field of frequency-based medical treatments. Either way, they want to show, to bring into existence, something that has not yet been seen or lived. This is a sign that lives for intellectual stimulation and progressive ideas. They are bored with everything that already is and want to bring into being a whole new world. Very often, people look at this sign and inevitably get the feeling that these people are some 40-50 years ahead of their time. Through the Aquarian lens, the whole world is drowning in backwardness. Science, technology, intelligence and the human mind are seen as the core of forward-thinking and hence forward movement. People born under this sign can see themselves as intellectually superior to others and often take immense pride in their mental abilities. They are open-minded and staunch advocates for social reforms.
This sign is associated with humanitarian pursuits and equality. As they advocate for these values, it is important to remember that they do so out of philosophical conviction not out of feelings of compassion for the marginalized and the disempowered. Aquarius people avoid emotions and emotional outbursts like the plague. They are an air sign ruled by Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury. They are all about the mental faculties of the brain and have virtually no interest in messy and animalistic emotions.
Their relationships are based on intellectual rapport, shared intellectual pursuits and shared interest in progressive ideas. As a result, Aquarians may seem cold, too rational and a bit standoffish. Their mind is so open and accepting of other people's peculiarities that that often prevents them from finding their tribe. Social groups inevitably involve some sort of exclusion criteria, and Aquarians are open to everyone and everything. Because they are so ahead of their time, they tend to be outcasts. They need to be valued for their unusual perspective, intellectual uniqueness and overall rareness. They want to be appreciated, even admired. Remember, that Aquarius is the sign opposite Leo, and opposite signs albeit being polarities share the same core concern - creating something of value that will withstand the test of time.
In romantic relationships, Aquarians want freedom and no drama. Everything that feels like a bog-down is avoided at all costs and relationships often feel that way to this sign. To be with them despite their relative coldness and preoccupation with mental pursuits, their partner has to really be in love with their mind. People born under this sign see emotions as too base for their taste, too much linked to out animalistic roots, those very same roots that this intellectual sign is trying to transcend. They need a lot of space and readily give their partner the leave to do as they please. Free spirits who refuse to follow the beaten track even in home matters, they often have some sort of unusual personal life arrangements.
Ultimately, Aquarians feel the need to live a life with a purpose that goes beyond their own needs. They spend their lives searching for and building outlets for their progressive ideas and home and family rarely take the top spot in their list of priorities. Yet, when they have lived most of their lives as outcasts and finally find someone with whom they have a mental rapport, they value and cherish this relationship more than anything. But don't cage them in, and don't forget to tell them that they are incredibly unique and ahead of their time.