Crystals for Taurus
Crystals for Taurus
Throughout history, crystals have been used to bring luck, prosperity and abundance, to protect from evil and to heal from illnesses. The ancients also used them for the symbolic decoration of tombs, graves, houses and bodies. They believed people were made of light and that crystals had the power to intervene in our light-matrix for the better. As a result, they dedicated significant time and effort to decode the powers of each crystal they could find on Earth.
It is believed that:
red crystals enhance our passions, survival instincts and awareness of danger. They activate our survival moed and sharpen our intuition and reflexes.
orange crystals stimulate our creativity and give us more energy to be active in life. They charge us with the physical and mental energy to "do" things in and with our lives.
green crystals activate our emotional healing processes and bring success. The prosperity they bring is a result of dissolved emotional and mental blockages.
pink crystals amplify feelings of love, romance and friendship. They bring luck in the relationships we form with our community, our intimate partners and those with whom we share a common path.
rainbow-colored crystals radiate energy that is very supportive of transformation and regenerative processes. Endings are new beginnings and new opportunities.
multi-colored crystals help you navigate complex situations which involve several conflicting viewpoints. The energy of these crystals help you hold polarities in your mind and in your life.
blue crystals enhance the feeling of calmness, quietness, awareness, intuition and meditation. They help you hear the voice within and connect with the collective subconsiousness, an ocean from where to draw knowledge and balance.
violet crystals support journeys to higher spiritual realims. They stimulate imagination, artistic expression and other outcomes that spring from access to the Divine.
white crystals help with personal cleaning and purification.
clear crystals sharpen intuition and make you more alert to signals from the Divine.
gray crystals offer support in sad situations, particularly situations in which you feel unsafe, threatened or misunderstood. They help you overcome these feelings by guiding you towards higher intelligence.
brown crystals help you stay grounded, rooted, balanced within.
Lastly, I would advise you to choose crystals with you intuition, not necessarily based on your Sun, Moon or Rising signs. Choose what speaks to you, what brings you the feeling you feel you need right now. Remember that you do not have to buy a crystal to benefit from its energy - just looking at a picture can also help you.
Now, onto the crystals for this particular sign :)
Taurus is the first earthy sign of the zodiac. It represents the peak of spring when all of nature is coming in full bloom. It a slow, steady, reliable, stubborn, warm and friendly energy. Ruled by Venus, this sign likes luxury, fine art, beauty and money.

Astrophyllite is a crystal for connecting with other realms beyond your current space and time. It promoes intuition, insight, foresigth and hindsights. It helps bridge the gap between the Divine and the mundane.

Dioptase is a copper mineral found relatively rarely. It supports the healing of past traumas. Physical blockages within the body and mental knots within the mind are dissolved, a process which leads to a place of solid groundedness and faith in the future.

Gabro is a plutonic rock which enhances personal magnetism and creates a powerful aura that draws others in. The result are partnerships based on shared life meaning and a shared commitment to a higher mission.

Moss Agate is a crystal for approaching everything with a positive mindset. Whenever at the starting point, always double-check if you begin with an optimistic approach. This crystal enhances that ability.

Olivine is one of the fundamental component of the Earth’s mantle and thus facilitates access to the Earth's energy grid. It gives access to raw energy and nurtures the personal growth that sprouts from this process.

Peacock Ore is a crystal for self-confidence rooted in clarity of thought. A sharp mind forms a solid foundation for self-esteem and that makes others follow you.

Red Calcite is a crystal for courage and strength in difficult life situations. With its energy around, you are more confident and skilled to handle inexpected challenges while retaining a positive outlook on life. It allows you to win the battle without growing bitter and without exhausting yourself. The strength and courage it gives are both physical and mental.

Red Jasper is a variety of quartz. It radiates energy of personal independence that is solid enough to enable you to stand up effectively for justice. With its energy, you command respect and admiration for the solidity of your personality.

Rhodonite is another manganese-rich mineral. It increases gentleness, beauty, compassion and emotional self-care. You go and grow through life with the power of your caring and loving manners and actions.

Spotted Lazuli is a crystal that brings relaxation to very intense situations or personalities. It promotes letting go and letting be. Negative emotions are dissolved and we feel revitalized and lighter.