Gemini Sabian Symbols
Gemini Sabian Symbols
1 A glass-bottomed boat in still water.
The mind is a bottomless well of ideas.
2 Santa Claus filling stockings furtively.
Becoming more having without even noticing.
3 The garden of the Tuileries.
The fruits of mind as the founding principle of Empires.
4 Holly and mistletoe
The very simple things hold profound wisdom within.
5 A radical magazine
The fruits of radically independent thought.
6 Drilling for oil.
Analyzing ideas for deeper truth. Looking for revelations.
7 An old-fashioned well.
The richness of the subconscious.
8 An industrial strike.
Acting on unorthodox, unsocial, confrontational but just ideas.
9 A quiver filled with arrows.
Be alert, be prepared, be focused.
10 An airplane falling.
Letting your mind roam free. Relaxation. Different perception.
11 A new path of realism in experience.
A new direction.
12 A Topsy saucily asserting herself
Unorthodox behavior. A rebel.
13 A great musician at his piano.
Where you feel most at home.
14 A conversation by telepathy
Higher level of consciousness.
15 Two Dutch children talking
Finding mental rapport.
16 A woman suffragist haranguing.
Spreading ideas. Persuasion.
17 The head of health dissolved into the head of mentality.
Nerviousness. A racing mind that needs taming.
18 Two Chinese men talking Chinese.
Sharing a secret code. Understanding other on a different level.
19 A large archaic volume
Ancient knowledge.
20 A cafeteria
An echo chamber. Walking around in circles.
21 A labour demonstration.
A collective opinion being acted on.
22 A barn dance.
Body language. Non-verbal communication. Channeling energy not through the language.
23 Three fledglings in a nest high in a tree.
A group tightly knit by a shared understand of something.
24 Children skating on ice.
A delicate balancing act.
25 A man trimming palms.
Rearranging reality to match your vision.
26 Winter frost in the woods.
Calm nothingness to be turned into something.
27 A gypsy coming out of the forest.
Moving away from animalistic nature and closer to higher intelligence.
28 A man declared bankrupt.
A very difficult mental knot to untie.
29 The first mockingbird in spring
A new beginning. The Fool card mentality.
30 Bathing beauties
The ideal outcome to pursue.