Libra Sabian Symbols
Libra Sabian Symbols
1 A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.
Opposities complement each other to perfection.
2 The light of the sixth race transmuted to the seventh.
Acceptance between events. Harmonious transition.
3 The dawn of a new day, everything changed.
Cycles are the divine rhythm of complementary energies.
4 A group around a campfire.
The joy of xisting with others.
5 A man teaching the true inner knowledge.
Harmony as an ancient philosophy.
6 The ideals of a man abundantly crystallised.
Cutting through the core. Seeing the essence.
7 A woman feeding chickens and protecting them from the hawks.
The two sides of a coin. Double-purpose.
8 A blazing fireplace in a deserted home.
Beauty above all.
9 Three old masters hanging in an art gallery.
The power of beauty to unite present, past and future.
10 A canoe approaching safety through dangerous waters.
The swinging of the scales before they settle.
11 A professor peering over his glasses.
Seeing things for what they are. Not getting lost in the technicalities.
12 Miners are emerging from a mine.
Coming back from a mission.
13 Children blowing soap bubbles.
Blissfulness in childlike simplicity.
14 A noon siesta.
Balancing the body and the mind.
15 Circular paths.
Connecting with Divine patterns.
16 A boat landing washed away.
Being the odd one out in search of a matching part.
17 A retired sea captain.
Withdrawing from active life into quiet observation.
18 Two men placed under arrest.
Partners in crime.
19 A gang of robbers in hiding.
More partners in crime. The power of community.
20 A Jewish rabbi.
Giving an ear to non-mainstream points of view.
21 A crowd upon the beach.
Out of the subconscious and into reality.
22 A child giving birds a drink at a fountain.
Care as a form of justice.
23 Chanticleer.
Caontaining all you need within. Inner self-sufficiency and balance
24 A third wing on the left side of a butterfly.
Striking a new balance. Finding the place of something new.
25 Information in the symbol of an autumn leaf.
Clear vision and thought. No dillusions.
26 An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other.
One polarity turns into the other. The interconnectedness of all things. Reconciling polarities.
27 An airplane hovering overhead.
An overview.
28 A man in the midst of brightening influences.
The appearance of cosmic clarity.
29 Humanity seeking to bridge the span of knowledge.
Seeking to understand the interconnectedness of all things.
30 Three mounds of knowledge on a philosopher's head.
Creating wisdom out of knowledge.