Mars in Gemini
Mars in Gemini
Fighting for ideas & ideals (with your twin)
Today, we are talking about the upoming transit of Mars through the sign of Aries. And the reason we are talking about it is because a) it's Mars and Mars brings action and b) it will be unusually long (20 Aug 2022 - 25 March 2023) as Mars will be moving retrograde between Oct 30, 2022 and Jan 12, 2023.
But most importantly, the reason why this transit on top of my to-watch transits is because its influence will blend with Pluto's ingress into Aquarius on March 23 of 2023 (which needless to say is THE CHANGE pending in the air this year, next year and in 2024). The thing is ... Mars is action, fire, passion, Mars brings the action and with 8 months in the same sign (Gemini) that's going to be a lot of action. The Gemini sector of your life will be not just activated, it will be on-focus in a big way. And once this Marsian rollercoaster is over (in March of next year), we will wake up with Pluto in Aquarius (it is in March 2023 that Pluto will first step into Aquarius; two days before Mars leaves Gemini).
Whatever narrative begins to unfold in your life with Mars's ingress into Gemini will very likely be the focus of your life until March 2023 and will thus naturally feed into the events that will unfold with Pluto's Aquarius journey.
That said, let's dive into what Mars in Gemini is all about :)
Mars is fire, passion, it dissects, fights. It is the ultimate masculine principle. It has no filter and couldn't care less about keeping things peaceful, pleasing and vanilla. I see it, I want it, I reach to take it. If you try to stop me, we fight. I win. That's Mars's approach to everything in a nutshell. (read my longer interpretation of this planet here).
What about Gemini?
Gemini is about communication, logic, writing, the rational faculties. It is the male domicile of Mercury, the Messenger God. He has been associated with tricksters (why? read my in-depth explanation of this archetype), skillful manipulation, facts, trade, choice. Gemini is about short-distance travel and commuting. It relates to everything that involves information, knowledge, education.
What happens when these two archetypes come together?
We are likely to have:
fire-y verbal exchanges
passionate arguements about facts
quick writing
no-filter conversations
courage & boldness to say something
words that cut/hurt
words that cut through the BS
immature exchanges (both Mars and Gemini are youthful energies)
quick choices that may or may not be good
accidents (Mars) with hands or short-distance travelling
opportunities (Gemini is about choice) for quick (=Mars) things
quick education
quick conclusions
On a personal level, Mars will give you courage to pursue those things in life that fall in your Gemini/Sag houses.
The Relevant Transits
As Mars travels through Gemini for 8 months, it will make some very important contacts with other planets. It will trine Saturn and square Neptune i.e it will support the Saturn principle (of mature, serious and sober energy) and counteract the Neptunian principle (of feel-good dreams, illusions, compassion).
Most importantly, Mars rules Scorpio, the sign where the South Node of the Moon is in. So Mars is the ruler of the upcoming November eclipse in Scorpio. The Scorpio house in your life & the Scorpio themes in society will be impacted by Mars's journey. Also, Scorpio is co-ruled by Pluto which as I mentioned earlier will ingress into Aquarius just as Mars exits Gemini. This sequence further strengthens the conection between the two.
An eclipse in Scorpio is a very emotionally-charged moment. Mars is about war, action, aggression, courage, boldness. Gemini is about ideas and ideals. It is also the sign of the twins. Are we going to be fighting out brothers/sisters for ideas and ideals? We will talk about it more when November comes :)