the female domicile of Jupiter
also, Neptune

Pisces is the sign of imagination. It thrives in the world of dreams, illusions and fantasies. It is very intuitive, deeply emotional and sensitive. These people are great empaths and very easily (and unconsciously) absorb the feelings of others and the vibes of their surroundings. Often, Pisces people doesn't know where their emotions end and other people's emotions begin. This sign is extremely spiritual, but because they are forced to live in the material world, they often come across as naïve and lost. They don't make much difference between illusions and reality - the individual realities we live in are the ones we choose to live in.
Very often Pisces people are misunderstood as being unreliable, impractical and altogether quite lost in the world. In reality, they are the sign associated with the boundless ocean. They do not and cannot compartmentalize their lives - it is all one. They are a mutable sign which means they are flexible and changeable. A material world that requires you to perceive your existence through the lens of 9-to-5 job and a retirement savings plan is alien and in fact scary for Piscean people. In other words, they don't have a sense of structure, order and arrangement. They often drift through life. Order equals restraint and Boundless Water doesn't like that. "Why should human-made restrictions take importance over universal commonalities?"
Pisces people have enormous capacity for compassion and easily identify with people from all sorts of backgrounds. They can find it within them to empathize with any person in any situation. As a result, in conflict, they find it hard to take a stand and can seem a bit undecisive and wishy-washy. They are seen as soft and easily influenced.
Their altruism and idealism often results in lack of sober judgment of circumstances and people and can cause this sign a lot of pain and the feeling that no one really understands them. Yet, they stay true to their dreaminess even when they are being used, hurt, and underappreciated. Pisces people are ready to fully throw themselves into saving those who need love, compassion, help or support. Their desire to heal and care unconditionally is so deeply embedded in their psyche that they are often attracted to the underdogs, the marginalized and the weak. For people born under this sign, the root of all evil in the world is the lack of compassion and they are here to offset that shortage.
Sometimes, they get involved with the wrong people and end up in dangerous and even illegal situations. Fortunately, self-pity and being used and abused gives these people a sense of satisfaction and incredible artistic inspiration and spiritual insights. They have a unique way of turning these most painful situations into something positive and beneficial for their material lives. When they have been hurt once too many times, they tend to escape into substance abuse or daydreaming.
At the core of their life dilemma is their refusal to see the harsh realities of life. A Pisces person would break their neck trying to avoid looking at the ugly picture of reality that you are showing them. They need, for their own mental Zen, to believe in the beautiful dream that they believe the world to be, and any attempt, by some more realistic friends, to bring them down to Earth is seen as an attack on the very core of their being.
In relationships, Pisces people are devoted, romantic and caring lovers that wish to heal their partners and easily offer them all the emotional support that they might ever need. They are attracted to people who can navigate the harsh reality without losing their sensitivity and becoming stone-cold.
Pisces is here to teach the rest of the zodiac the power of imagination to create our own reality and the power of compassion to heal people.