the female domicile of Mars
also, Pluto

Scorpio is a very mysterious sign that enjoys the mystical and the unspoken. People born under this sign do not reveal themselves easily and often keeps their true thoughts and feelings to themselves. This is a sign of extremes, that lives in constant intensity mode and does not give in easily.
For Scorpios, changes equal unpredictability which equals unreliability. Yet, they are ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation. How do these polarities co-exist? The answer is through extremity. Scorpios are extremely passionate people. When they set their eyes on something (a goal or a person) they are not going to go about getting their prize in a direct fashion. Instead, they will lay low, study their prize, strategize, map out everything and then, when the right moment comes, they will make that final kill with just one move. Scorpios can apply this intensity to everything they care about. They focus all their inner strength to push for a specific result and if they fail, they go full swing into the opposite direction - they burn down a world that was fake to be reborn again completely new.
To may people, this extremism is too dramatic. But with Scorpios passion is their middle name. They can't live life without a passion for something. Everything is either black or white, the middle ground is unheard-of in Scorpio-land.
Scorpios are fascinated with power, not prestige or authority, but real power - the one that's exercised behind the scenes. They love operating below the level of what's visible. After all, they are ruled by the God of the Underworld. They are fascinated with everything beneath the visible - money, power, psychoanalysis, human motivation, secrets, taboos, the occult. This sun signs makes great researchers, investigators, psychologists, fund managers and lobbyists, virtually any field where their ability to see things as they are not as they appear to be can be applied.
This skill, useful as it is, may put some people off of Scorpios. For many people, someone psychoanalyzing them comes too close for comfort, even embarrassing. Scorpios have a way of making you feel naked and judged at the same time. And when this is combined with Scorpios' cold, unreadable exterior, people born under this sun sign can appear immensely powerful, even scary, at times sinister. Scorpios are hard to read, they consciously guard their emotions and never betray their true feelings or intentions. Doing so would allow people around them to have a way to get to them, to have a way of getting the best out of them. As a result, Scorpios often seem brooding and dark - you never know what's going on under the surface. They love deciphering the mystery of human behavior and life situations.
In relationships, Scorpios are loyal, possessive and protective partners. They want their partner to reveal themselves to them but at the same time, they themselves don't want to have to reveal too much. The surest way to push a Scorpio away is by asking them personal questions. Privacy is a birthright for them. Don't try to force any information out of them.
In popular understanding, this sign is associated with sex, but sex for Scorpios is about penetrating the soul of the other person through the body, marking that person yours, getting to know them on a true psycho-vibrational level and finally, merging with them in a whole. Intimacy is what Scorpios are really after, not mere bedroom gymnastics (that's more of an Aries thing). That's why people born under this sign are very picky about who they sleep with, befriend or do business with. There is an unmistakable magnetism about Scorpios that give off the impression that they have sex left and right but that's hardly the case - in fact, if you manage to get a Scorpio to open up to you and tell you about ow many previous relationships they have had, you will be surprised to find out that they have been with only a handful of carefully selected partners.
If hurt or betrayed, Scorpios can be vengeful like no other sign in the zodiac. Think revenge of biblical proportions. As a relationship ends, this sign heads for a rebirth. They will burn down everything associated with their partner and inflict pain on themselves and the other person and then rise from the ashes even more powerful. Why so much drama? Because if Scorpios have trusted someone and this someone had turned out to be a liar, Scorpios begin to question their decision-making process and capacities altogether - "If I thought I was right about you but I turned out wrong, what else am I being wrong about that I don't know of?".
With things being taken so seriously, it is hardly a surprise that Scorpios tend to want to control their partners - "with my heart and mental Zen being in your hands, I need to know what you are doing, what you are about to do, what's going on in you head etc.". They can be a little paranoid at times and tend to expect the worst before they begin to entertain the idea that something positive can happen. They are not fans of lighthearted romances - for them, love, like everything else, is a serious business. They seek intensity. Moderate opinions and behavior feel lukewarm.
Scorpios have enormous presence and staying power. They radiate inner strength and when you see them you just know that they are not someone to be pushed around. Whatever crisis comes their way, all people are ever going to see is external equilibrium. Seemingly, nothing can throw them off their game. Yet, this is a feminine water sign. Inside the shell, there is a softness that only a selected few will ever experience. A Scorpio who cares about you will bend backwards and risk their own interests to help you. Their feelings run deep and when in love, they are a lot mor vulnerable than the rest of the signs. And they know it. So they often put their love interest through series of tests to make sure they can let their guard down with you.