Transcending our animalistic side

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
An angel stands with one foot in a pool of water (intuition) and one foot on land (practicality) echoing the balancing act of the Chariot. Near its heart area there is an orange triangle (Fire) within a white square (Earth) which symbolises the human spirit rising from the physical body towards the Heavens. This card represents the blending of our divine side and animalistic side. It signifies the journey away from our basic instincts and needs and towards higher purpose and fulfillment. With the two cups a balancing act is suggested. As the saying goes, to maintain your balance, you have to keep going. But you can keep going only if you know your direction. Temperance suggests that the road to evolution goes through having a purpose and following it.
General Meaning
In a general reading, this card indicates that the querent is acting in accordance with their higher purpose. It is an indication that a desire to transcend the animalistic and reach towards the divine is present. The person is aware of the need to know and connect with spirit and that they are walking the path. Alternatively, it can indicate travel and higher education.
In Reverse
When in reverse, The Temperance card suggests that the person is more in touch with their base desires than with their higher purpose. He or she is not nurturing the divine self. A lack of purpose is indicated which results in falling into extreme behavior.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, the Temperance card indicates that the partnership is built on a balanced blend of passion (animalistic side) and spirituality (divine side). The partners are connected on both of these levels and as a result they both grow through this relationship. The Temperance can also indicate a trip undertaken for bonding purposes.
In reverse, the card indicates a romance which is too physical or too platonic. Perhaps one of the partners is less committed or more friend-zoned than the other. Alternatively, one could be more into the sexual side of the relationship while the other is more emotionally involved.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, Temperance means slow and steady success based on moderation. You are building yourself one step at a time and you pay special attention to making sure everything is in balance. The card may suggest a career rise that will need to be balanced against the career growth of your coworkers. Some people may see your success as threatening so there is a need to reassure them.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, Temperance indicates moderation in spending or balance between earning and spending. Perhaps there are severa purchases you want to make but you make sure to make them step by step after you have secured the money (as opposed to buying them before you actually have the funds).
In reverse, the card signifies disruption of the assets/liabilities balance. You are not exercising moderation in how you make, spend or invest your money. Perhaps your investment portfolio is too tilted one way or another or you spend too much on, say, housing, and you do not have enough to save for future growth.