The Blasted Tower
The Blasted Tower
No more subtle hints; forcing you towards the alternatives

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
The Tower sits on top of a rocky mountain echoing the structures we have in our lives. A lighting has struck it and it has caught fire. The lighting represents a sudden surge of energy, enlightenment and divine intervention. The crown on top of the tower refers to the crown chakra, the place from where the energy enters the Tower. Two figures are falling off from the tower. They are flying down as gravity calls them back down to the earth. They are surrounded by 22 flames - 12 for the 12 signs of the zodiac and 10 for the 10 points of the Tree of Life - yet again symbolising divine intervention. This is a card for the destruction of an established situation.
General Meaning
In a general reading, the Tower signifies a sudden, unexpected, sometimes violent change that happens quickly and seemingly out of nowhere which destroys those solid structures in your life that no longer support your growth. An unannounced collapse of the old that forces you to find a new way. It suggests that for too long you have adhered to beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve you. You had been invited to make a change but you have resisted, preferring instead to stay where you are. With this card, the universe takes away that option and forces you to continue forward on your journey. The change that you knew you had to make but tried to avoid in the Devil is now being forced on you. The time has come to make the shift. The old is being taken away from you. Depending on your attitude, this process can be exciting or painful. It is important to remember that this turn of events is for your highest good and if you search your soul you might discover that on some level you desired this change.
In Reverse
When reversed, this card still represents change but one that is less violent and radical. Part of the old is allowed to remain in tact. Full transformation has not taken place. It can also indicate a refusal to release the old and a struggle against the current of life. This can lead to an even more dramatic explosion later on.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, the Tower represents a sudden collapse of the partnership. A wipe-out that erases a person or a commitment out of your life. A cutting of the cord that makes it impossible to maintain the relationship. Radical as that may sound, the tower is just a clearance process that opens up space for new growth in this area of your life.
In reverse, the card indicates that you are desparately trying to hold on to something that is long gone. You are forgiving, hoping, overcompromising or in some other way beating a horse that is already dead.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the Tower suggests a sudden disruption at work. You may lose you job unexpectedly or your company may be sold. Your management could declare bankruptcy or simply the closure of the business. This is an unforeseen development that will overturn your plans.
In reverse, the Tower indicates efforts to avert a crisis or to bring back from the grave something that is long gone.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the card signifies a quick and radical change in financial investments or your overall financial situaiton. A completely different action plan will have to be designed quickly.
In reverse, the card represents efforts to salvage the situation which usually only protract the inevitable edning.