The Chariot
The Chariot
The need to discipline your emotions

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
A man stands in a chariot. He man holds a wand in his right hand, a symbol of drive and enthusiasm and a reminder of the Fool card. Blue moons rest on his shoulders reminding of intuition and emotions. His belt is covered with the signs of the zodiac painted in the colours of the High Priestess card. His armor is reminiscent of the Emperor card.
The chariot rests partly in water (emotions) and partly on land (practicality). The winged disk at the front symbolises the ability to approach emotional matters with a clear mind. The chariot is led by two sphinxes — one black, one white - which represent the opposing forces in one's life. The man in the chariot does not hold the reigns, yet he is the force that is keeping the sphinxes together and preventing them from going in opposite directions and tearing him apart. His secret? The power of the mind. In one of his works, Plato refers to the mind as a chariot drawn by a black and white horse.
The Chariot card is number 7, a number mystically infused with the connotation of victory. This is a card for reigning in your instincts and emotions and subduing them to the power of your mind.
General Meaning
In a general reading, this card symbolises the need to control the opposing forces in your life. Raging passions, conflicting emotions, powerful instincts, all need to be tamed and firmly kept in check. Victory can be found in holding the polarities together through the power of the centered personality. Discipline of the mind is indicated but the kind of discipline that recognizes emotions and disciplines them too. This is how the Chariot card differs from the Emperor who is also disciplined but not in touch with his emotions. The Chariot indicates a victory that is based on inner centeredness and self-control.
In Reverse
When this card comes up in reverse, the opposing forces of the sphinxes begin to prevail. Turbulent or conflicting emotions may take over and cloud your judgement. The tension from holding the polarities together has built up too much and threatens explosion. Alternatively, this card can indicate unresolved trauma or pent-up emotions. The situation threatens to get out of hand. A new approach is needed.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, this card suggests that you find yourself in a situation in which you are being pulled in two different directions. Opposing needs and tendencies are at play. You would benefit from analysing your feelings and reconciling the differences. As with all 7s in Tarot, the message here is do not give up, think of ways around the problem.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the Chariot indicates strong motivation and focus to achieve your goals. The querent knows what it takes to cross the finish line, they know where the obstacles are and are firmly resolute to plugging all the holes and achieving success. All aspects of the project are kept under control and in-check.
In reverse, it indicates lack of overview, scatteredness in views and actions. Different aspects compete for attention depriving you of the focus you need to execute your plans. Alternatively, it can suggest the other extreme - exessive and too obvious ambition that hinders your progress or rubs other the wrong way and they hinder your progress.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the Chariot represents resolution to achieve specified financial goals. You are focused on the execution and allow no distractions.
In reverse, it indicates too aggressive financial goals that risk making you make unsound decisions.