The Emperor
The Emperor
The Father Archetype

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
The Emperor sits on a stone seat decorated with rams' heads, a symbol for the astrological sign of Aries. Underneath his red robe, he wears an armor which represents his ever-present readiness to go to battle, if needed. In his right hand, he holds a scepter, at the top of which is the ankh - a symbol of the life of the soul after the death of the body. In his left hand, he holds an orb - a symbol of the world over which he rules. While the Empress card oozed sensual lushness, the Emperor suggests austerity and self-discipline, for only after you have subjected your own temper, emotions and mind to your will can you earn the respect of others. If the Empress is the natural world, the Emperor is the social world.
General Meaning
In a general reading, the Emperor represents a period of stability in life coming from complete control of the situation. This undisputed rulership comes as the result of the practical application of rigorous self-discipline. Unrully emotions, firy temper and wandering mind have all been tamed by the practical approach to build this man up. Alternatively, this card can indicate that external forces are trying to impose limitations on you and test to see if you have enough self-discipline. The correct course is to design pragmatic solutions based on practical needs and goals rather than emotions, ideals or enthusiasm.
The Emperor symbolises the importance of social stability and structure, as well as anyone involved in maintaining the established order ex. father figures such as politicians, policemen, judges, employers, landlords. Just like the father figure, The Emperor is the one who holds the space for others to thrive spiritually and emotionally.
In Reverse
When in reverse, the Emperor indicates that the querent lacks success because of insufficient discipline or commitment. His or her passions, thoughts and emotions have not been tamed enough for success to materialise. Additionally, it can also indicate a person who is unable or unwilling to make the though decisions and/or unable and unwilling to carry them through. Someone who shrinks from responsibilities.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, The Emperor card signifies a stable and practical commitment or a period in a relationship characterized by stability and pragmatism. Alternatively, it can describe a man who is disciplined and even dogmatic. He focuses on providing for the family but may be unable to fully meet the emotional needs of their partner. He prefers to take care of his partner by buying a gift and making sure the family is well taken care of materially rather than providing emotional support, warmth and affection.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, this card indicates creating structure and processes at work. It can suggest routine that boosts discipline and moral among the workers. The querent may be rising up the ranks due to the hard work and dedication that they have shown to the company or the project. He or she will also be earning the respect of his/her coworkers.
Alternatively, the card can also represent a mature leadership figure.
In reverse, it refers to lack or loss of leadership that results in low morale and discipline.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the Emperor points to a structured and strategic approach to building wealth. It can indicate the setup of several income streams to ensure independence and availability of funds in the long-run. Discipline about earning and spending is established.
In reverse, it represents a dissipatory attitude, lack of long-term vision or budget planning.