The Empress
The Empress
Lush and sensual fertility

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
The Empress is seen surrounded by nature in its full blooming glory. An abundant water stream brings life to grass and trees. The wheat is ripe. Everything about her surroundings signify fertility, plentifulness and creativity. She herself is seated on lavish cushions above a shield with the sign of Venus on it. The Empress has her feet firmly planted, almost rooted, on the ground signifying maturation and stability. Her crown has 12 stars, a reference to the 12 months of the year, 12 zodiac signs and the cycle of nature. The pomegranates on her robe symbolise fertility. This card accentuates the sensual aspect of life and its lush pleasures. It signifies the experience of the world through the five senses. The path to knowing the world not through intellectual exploration or intuition but through the senses. The ultimate Mother Earth archetype.
General Meaning
In a general reading, the Empress indicates that your plans are progressing smoothly and about to turn into a reality. This card is a green light for moving on to the next stage of your endeavor. The development of your creation (a child, a project, an artistic project, a busines venture) is going smoothly. Alternatively, the card can suggest a travelling to the countryside or some other form of getting in touch with nature.
In Reverse
In reverse, The Empress means creative blockages, inability to start a family or birth some creative project. Alternatively, this card can suggest that the querent is approaching a situation from an emotional perspective when the circumstances require a more intellectual approach. He or she is giving in to exhibitionism when the reality on the ground requires self-restraint. Lastly, it can suggest that you have given too much of yourself to other people and now need to focus on self-care and self-love to avoid full self-depletion.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, the Empress indicates a period of passion, harmony and stability in an existing partnership or the movement towards such a state. This is a period in which you and your partner give in to sensual pleasures and experience your love for one another through sensualities rather than through logic, conversations or intuition. Pregnancy can also be suggested.
In reverse, it asks you to consider if you are not giving too much in return for too little. It indicates self-depletion in a relationship possibly due to "mothering" your partner.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the Empress indicates smooth progress of a project. It can suggest that your relationship with your coworkers are nurturing and supportive. There is a lot of family atmosphere in the office.
In reverse, it indicates feeling underappreciated and depleted in emotional way at work. A project may not come to fruition resulting in disharmony in the team.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the Empress indicates material comfort and generosity. This is the card of Venus, the planet associated with money and possessions, so it is a very positive sign. A financial stream might finally be starting to bring in revenue, a financial project might be coming to fruition, long overdue payment may be coming soon.
In reverse, it suggests that while externally and on paper finances look good, there is an underlying sense of disharmony and dissatisfaction. Perhaps something is not paying off as nicely as expected or something costs more than you feel comfortable paying for.