The Last Judgement
The Last Judgement
On some level, you are already at your destination

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
In the Judgement card an angel sounds a trumpet for people to rise from their graves and rejoice. Whether a child, man or a woman, they all look upwards in search of the Divine. A white flag with a red cross is flying in the background, signifying the crossing point between linear and universal time. This card suggests that you find yourself at a point in your life when your path in the physical world (your most obvious and direct experiences) has crossed the path of the universe. You can sense the pulse of the divine. You can hear the call of the spiritual.
The word "judgement" refers to the notion of destiny. On some level, everything that happens in our lives is part of our destiny but when the Judgement card comes up we are being called to answer to higher events that will prove decisive for our lives. Hence the importance of making the right decision/judgement.
General Meaning
In a general reading, the Judgement card refers to letting go of old and somewhat petty beliefs and concerns and to rise to a higher level of existence, one that is aligned to the major timeline of your life. If in some area of your life you have exhibited small-minded behavior, this card calls you to approach the situation from a more divine/birdview perspective. Rise above the small things and realise that deep down we are all part of the divine creation. Originally, we were all God-ly. Small-mindedness and pettiness are not our true nature. At this point in time when you draw this card, you are being told that now is the moment you can make the leap into a higher existence. Awareness of that and awareness of your higher purpose can bring you clarity in the overall understanding of your life. Now you understand why you had to go through what you had to go through. Now you see why you were wrong at some moment in the past and why you had to pay the price you did. Now the pieces of the puzzle being to fall into place.
Which is why this card can also represent clarity of judgement. The decision you have taken or are leaning towards is based on sound understanding of the situation.
In Reverse
When in reverse, the Judgement card indicates that the person refuses to see their life and their situation for what it really is. They refuse to see how and why all pieces of the puzzle have fallen where they are. They feel the need to rise to a higher level of existence but they hesitate or outright reject the call. They may be fearful or simply not ready to switch to universal-timeline thinking. They sense that a change is coming, that navigating life from now on will require a different logic but they resist. The result is lack of clarity which the person might try to mask through escapist behavior (drugs, alcohol, partying).
There is a sense of emptiness that comes from knowing that you have reached the end of this karmic season of your life and now you have to align with another logic/vision in order to continue forward.
Relationship Meaning
When the Judgement card comes up in a relationship reading it suggests that this partnership is karmic and/or offers a karmic lesson for you. It is not an accidental union. It is part of the larger framework of your destiny, part of the universal timeline. As such, it will probably result in you gaining a higher awareness of your true self and your true purpose.
In reverse, the World represents the moment you realise you have reached the end of the road. You have found your person and you are happy but there is a bitter-sweet emptiness about reaching the end of the road.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the World signifies te completion of a cycle. All that could be achieved in this job or with this project has been achieved and now you ahve come full circle. You have received the highest honours, the top awards.
In reverse, it suggests a closure that is delayed. Bits and pieces that still need work are not letting you turn the page.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, the World card represents the closure of a large cycle in your financial story. It is the time you move into a completely different payment category. Perhaps you move up the social hierarchy or you just monetized your first idea. Either way, this is the last stage of a process that opens a whole new level of the game.
In reverse, the World card indicates complications and delays right before the grand finali that somehow take off some of the shine.