The Magician
The Magician
The one who makes something tangible out of possibilities

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
The Magician has his right hand upwards towards the Heavens and his left hand downwards towards the Earth. The red roses suggest drive for achievement. The white lilies symbolize pure motives. The snake around his waist represents repetition of life situations without beginning or ending. Above his head is the symbol of infinity, suggesting interconnectedness and endless flow. The items on his table represent the combination of the right motive (cup), a clear plan (sword), sufficient drive (wand) and practical application (pentacle)— a very powerful fusion for achieving any goal. The Magician is the one who channels the Divine (Heavens) down towards the material reality (Earth). He plugs himself into the Divine and turns this inspiration into something tangible. Through him, ideas are turned into things we can see and touch. There is always potential, every where in every one, but it is worthless if it is not actualized. The Magician makes something real and tangible out of potentialities. He is the creator within all of us.
General Meaning
In a general reading, this card represents that the time is ripe for beginning new projects. The motives are right, the plan in place is good enough, the enthusiasm is in place and the practical element sufficient. If you act now, your efforts will produce results. The card indicated that the querent has a clear sense of purpose (he is plugged into the Divine; his hand is upwards towards the Heavens) and is directing this energy towards practical outcomes (Earth). He gives life meaning and direction. He directs his will and his efforts in the direction in which he wants to go.
In Reverse
When reversed, The Magician loses his sense of purpose. The energy flow is disrupted or blocked. He still receives inspiration from the Divine but he can't apply it into the material reality. As a result, he can lack clarity, self-discipline, focus and balance. In extreme cases, he can develop mental and emotional disquiet. When this card comes out in a reading, it suggests that the querent lacks either the right motive, the clear plan, the sufficient enthusiasm or the practicality to achieve their goal. They might be forcing an event that is not meant to happen at this time. Or they may have the drive, the passion, the enthusiasm but not the knowledge how to use them. The Magician reversed indicates the the creator within is blocked. His potential is there but is wasted.
Alternatively, this card can point to someone cunning who uses trickery and lies to achieve their goals. Their attempt at manifestation has failed and now they are looking for dishonest ways to get what they think they deserve. Cynical and resigned behavior can also be observed.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, The Magician represents a partnership in which one of the partners provides the inspiration and the other one the groundedness needed to turn ideas into tangible spiritual progress for both of them. It can also indicate a man/woman who has a clear sense of direction, clear mind and a strong sense of purpose.
In reverse, the Magician indicates some level of lies and deception. The original plan has not worked out and now dishonesty is employed to achieve the final manifestation. The positive potential of the relationship is still there but some elements are mising and as a result certain parts of the commitement may not appear as they truly are.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, this card indicates that the querent is making or will make (in the near future) use of a good opportunity coming their way. He or she has the right skills and attitude to make the most of this chance. With this card, there is a strong focus on the technical skills needed to execute a job or to bring a project to a successful end.
In reverse, the Magician suggests that good opportunities will be lost because of lack of full preparation. Another possible reason for this is that someone involved in the endeavor has not been completely honest and is making plans behind your back.
Finance Meaning
In a reading about finances, the Magician card upright indicates that the querent will come across a good financial opportunity and will make the necessary move to grab it. In the right moment, all elements will fall into place and he will achieve his goal. He/she is prepared, ready and waiting.
In reverse, this card represents a good opportunity coming along that may nevertheless be missed due to lack of technical skills or a lie from a partner.