The Star
The Star

The Symbolism Contained in the Image
The card depicts a woman standing with one foot in the water and one foot on the land - a symbol of her connection with the unconscious and the practical. She holds two jugs - one pouring water into the pool, the other onto the land. Every time she pours water into the land, she infuses the material world with subconscious creativity and part of the result flows back into the common collective soul / universal memory (the pool).
The ibis is a reference to the Egyptian Lord of Time - Thoth, the keeper of the Akashic records (believed to contain the life stories of every one who ever lived or who will ever live). In the myth, he was accompanied by eight deities hence the eight stars hanging in the sky and the eight points on each star. The central star is seen as an entry into universal memory of the Akashic records.
The Star is a card signifying solid connection with the collective subconscious that enables you to pursue your true purpose. Similarly to the Magician, the woman in the Star card a link. But if the Magician was the link between the divine above and the physical reality, the Star is a bridge between the unconscious and the physical reality. Its source of inspiration is not the spiritual but the subconscious.
General Meaning
In a general reading, the Star represents the feeling of peace, stillness and contentment that settles after the chaos of the Tower has finished. It represents the inner faith that better days are coming. Having survived through the experience of the Tower, you have now accessed the inner reserve of strength within. From it follows a renewed faith in your own capabilities. You feel wholesome again. Alternatively, it can represent a period of peace and quiet during which you can connect with your true purpose without external pressures.
In Reverse
When reversed, the Star indicates that something is blocking your access to your subconsciousness (your creative source). You feel lacking inspiration for living, emptiness and loneliness. In extreme cases, it may signify hopelessness to reestablish your connection with your creative source. As a feeling of impotence creeps in, the person may become arrogant. You struggle to find fulfillment in your life and as a result become detached and uncommitted.
Relationship Meaning
In a relationship reading, the Star card signifies a commitment within which the person feels in touch with their subconsciousness. The relationship allows the partners to be true to who they are and explore their inner worlds without inhibitions. Your partner is giving you the freedom you need to achieve your own goals. The relationship allows for both sides to be independent yet remain connected. This is a very positive card that can indicate a fated connection.
In reverse, this card still carries a positive meaning but it suggests that some of the pain and negativity of past experiences is still present. The romantic upheavals of the past are sneaking into your present.
Career Meaning
In a career reading, the Star represents a newly found sense of purpose and fulfillment after a series of difficult and negative events. Perhaps a new job or a new project look very promising. The prospects of a new milestone are rejuvenating you and you are eager for new achievements. Your renewed optimism is making you come across as charismatic and leaving those around with a good impression of you.
In reverse, the meaning is that you are still successful and well-accepted but fears instilled in you from past failures continue to stunt your growth.
Finance Meaning
In a financial reading, this card indicates a period of calm and peace after achieving your financial goals. This success is making you optimisting about the future of a financial investment or project.
In reverse, the Star indicates a feeling of pessimism lurking underneath external success. Having been at the bottom recently, you haven't yet shaken off the pain and self-doubt despite this current success.